Bear Or Bigfoot…

photo 2Look what I found in my unplowed driveway.  No, not the utility bill. I put that there so you could see that this print is at least half a foot long. I guess it’s a bear.  Or a smallish bigfoot?

Either way if something with paws this large is roaming around my yard I’d really prefer not to know about it.  Unfortunately this winter’s brand of precipitation is perfect not only for turning snowbanks into poured concrete but also for fossilizing big scary paw/foot prints that you wish you never saw.

It does make for an exciting dash to the mailbox though.


3 thoughts on “Bear Or Bigfoot…

  1. OMG…wonder what this is?  Looks bigger than a bear…nervous for your cat… we go for aother week. 


    Leslie To: Sent: Sunday, March 2, 2014 9:23 AM Subject: [New post] Bear Or Bigfoot…

    Meighan Morrison posted: “Look what I found in my unplowed driveway.  No, not the utility bill. I put that there so you could see that this print is at least half a foot long. I guess it’s a bear.  Or a smallish bigfoot? Either way if something with paws this large is roaming a”

  2. Bigger than a bear? Yikes. Stay warm… I’ll try to keep Sasquatch out of you neck of the woods 😉

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