Do not underestimate the power of Facebook. Or friends…

Even Mark Zuckerman needs friends.  A few years back, Greenpeace and a whole lot of Mark’s friends asked the Facebook founder, via this rather adorable video, to stop his plans to power his Oregon data center with coal.

20 months later he did just that.  And today Facebook continues to do the right thing…

Its’ new data center will run on 100 percent wind energy.  Be a friend…read the whole article here. If you liked this video, check out a whole bunch of others you’ll also like over here.


“Horrors! Environmental wacko nonsense… yuck!” Another favorite review.

Magilla_GorillaThis is one of my favorite Long Live Earth reviews.   I get such a kick out of it:
1.0 out of 5 stars Horrors!, July 10, 2002
By Sherry Poppins
This review is from: Long Live Earth (Paperback)
“What a bunch of environmentalist wacko nonsense! Ms. Morrison is over the top. Of course recycling is a necessary thing, however, we didn’t crawl out of the sea and evolve from apes. This book starts out very depressing, going on about what a state the earth is in. This is not a book for any parent wishing to teach their child(ren) about God’s creation of the world. Yuck! Ironically, the trees cut down to print this book could have been much better served.”

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t also get a real kick in the pants out of this comment addressing Ms. Poppins’ review:

Initial post: Jan 23, 2012 12:41:37 PM PST
Anna M. Lightenberg says: “Oh, yes, by all means, let’s not teach our children things like reality, and facts. Let’s just stuff their heads full of superstition and fantasy. Really? I don’t understand when religious people morphed into these wacky anti-science people. Guess this will just be one more way that evolution will thin the herd, when the under-educated, magical thinkers die off. Sad, because when I was a kid the religious schools cranked out the best science students.”
What she said. 🙂